When the coronavirus spread over the world, culture moved to the internet. Artists deprived of the ability to play live are doing their best, not letting fans forget about themselves. Some of them chose internet broadcasts. Since I had to significantly reduce leaving home, I took part in a dozen (or maybe even several dozen, I stopped counting the days) online events. I visited (virtually, of course) flats of DJs who broadcast their vinyl parties for one (among others, members of The Upshitters and The Outcasts collective do it regularly). I also looked into the rooms of The Slackers’ musicians and Victor Rice’s studio to check out how they adjust their repertoire to these unusual conditions.
Some artists went a step further and recorded songs during isolation, such as Dr. Ring Ding, who wrote a song encouraging people to stay at home. Mr. T-Bone had a similar idea and invited a dozen friends for his charity project.
The Uppertones & Friends play for hospitals in Turin
The outbreak of the pandemic thwarted The Uppertones’ concert plans. In spring the band was to promote their latest album, “Easy Snapping”. But in Italy, where the COVID-19 virus takes its toll, the inability to go on a tour doesn’t seem to be the most pressing problem. That’s why Luigi De Gaspari, a.k.a. Mr. T-Bone decided to use his free time to help health care workers. With his bandmates he created a music project to support the fundraiser for the hospitals in Turin. On this occasion, he also called several friends and invited them to cooperate.
As The Uppertones & Friends they publish songs and encourage people to make donations for hospitals. Every band member records their part at home, using the equipment they have on hand. The effects can be heard on The Uppertones fan page and YouTube.
The musicians record covers of popular retro songs in Jamaican boogie style. Three videos have appeared on the internet so far. We will complete the list regularly.
The Uppertones & Friends music videos
- The first guest invited to participate in the project was Ray Gelato, a British saxophonist and jazz vocalist. The gentlemen performed the song “Buona Sera, Signorina”, best known as performed by Louis Prima & His Orchestra.
- The aforementioned Dr. Ring Ding took part in the recording of “Felicia No Capicia”, a song also from Prima’s repertoire.
- The third guest of The Uppertones was Jesse Wagner from The Aggrolites. You can hear his vocals on the second album of the Italians, “Up Up Up!”. This time he sang “That’s Amore” from Dean Martin’s repertoire. This cover, though without Jesse, can also be found on “Easy Snapping”.
- Roy Ellis a.k.a. Mr. Symarip also took part in the project. He was invited to sing “Flip Flop And Fly”, song first recorded by Big Joe Turner in 1955.
- The fifth song was recorded by a cheerful band. Greg Lee from Hepcat, Rocksteady Freddie from New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble, and Victor Rice joined the musicians of The Uppertones. Together they performed “L-O-V-E”, a hit of Nat King Cole.
- Vic Ruggiero and Dave Hillyard of The Slackers appear in the next recording. Listen to this version of Fats Domino’s hit “I’m Walkin”.
Episodio #6 di “The Uppertones & Friends” per la raccolta fondi #teniamocistretti Artisti uniti per gli ospedali ASL TO3Potete fare la vostra donazione qui https://bit.ly/33GMWGqNon potevano mancare due cari amici e sostenitori degli Uppertones fin dai primissimi giorni (e anche un pò prima)Ladies and Gentlemen Vic Ruggiero and David Hillyard from The Slackers �Thank you very much my dear friends!�Grazie a tutti! #theuppertonesandfriendsNelle puntate precedenti: Episodio # 1 Ray Gelato https://youtu.be/c_1IjnpemHwEpisodio # 2 Dr. Ring Ding https://youtu.be/zc3b2xrlPPw�Episodio # 3 Jesse Wagner https://youtu.be/VUELlz6CtZQ�Episodio #4 Roy Ellis aka Mr Symarip https://youtu.be/vGxUkyKzkrYEpisodio #5 Gregory W. Lee, Victor Rice, Fred Reiter Un ringraziamento a tutta la mia squadra:�Ferdinando Masi – DrumsFilippo Cuomo Ulloa – Piano & MixArmando Autieri – ArtworkDanilo Scuccimarra – MontaggioGipo Di Napoli – Good Vibes�Ray Gelato Roy Ellis Stelio Lacchini Vic Ruggiero David Hillyard Gregory W. Lee Richie Alexander Fred Reiter Victor Rice
Opublikowany przez Luigiego Dego Gaspariego Wtorek, 28 kwietnia 2020
- For the final video Luigi invited musicians from the Italian brass band, Bandakadbra. They recorded “Got My Mojo Working”, a song made famous by Muddy Waters.
Settima ed ultima fatica. Episodio #7 di “The Uppertones & Friends” per la raccolta fondi #teniamocistretti Artisti uniti per gli ospedali ASL TO3Potete fare la vostra donazione qui https://bit.ly/33GMWGqE' da un pò che ci annusiamo, ci facciamo la corte, progettiamo…questa estate avremmo voluto fare dei concerti insieme, prima o poi lo faremo!Thank you very much my dear friends! Grazie a tutti! #theuppertonesandfriendsNelle puntate precedenti:Episodio # 1 Ray Gelato https://youtu.be/c_1IjnpemHwEpisodio # 2 Dr. Ring Ding https://youtu.be/zc3b2xrlPPwEpisodio # 3 Jesse Wagner https://youtu.be/VUELlz6CtZQEpisodio #4 Roy Ellis aka Mr Symarip https://youtu.be/vGxUkyKzkrYEpisodio #5 Gregory W. Lee, Victor Rice, Fred ReiterEpisodio #6 David Hillyard & Vic Ruggiero from The Slackers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBAQHQM3MXQUn ringraziamento a tutta la mia squadra:Ferdinando Masi – DrumsFilippo Cuomo Ulloa – Piano & MixArmando Autieri – ArtworkDanilo Scuccimarra – MontaggioGipo Di Napoli – Good VibesRay Gelato Roy Ellis Stelio Lacchini Vic Ruggiero David Hillyard Gregory W. Lee Richie Alexander Fred Reiter Victor Rice
Opublikowany przez Luigiego Dego Gaspariego Sobota, 2 maja 2020