Eastern Standard Time, photo: Magdalena Miszewska

Stay at home and watch Perú Ska Festival Online

It’s getting hotter and hotter and the pandemic restrictions on the organization of cultural events in Poland loosen up. Small concerts and open-air parties are slowly coming back to Warsaw. But in other parts of the world, online events are still the best pastime. This weekend, it’s worth staying at home and virtually going to a ska festival in Peru.

Online festivals happening this weekend

We have a 4-day weekend ahead of us in Poland and although we’re coming out of lockdown, sometimes it’s important to ask oneself if  I really need to leave my flat. The promoters of virtual festivals made sure that it was worth spending the next few days in front of the screen.

Chainska Brassika – Shmanny Ska

Members of Chainska Brassika during home isolation recorded a new song encouraging people to dance. In the music video they used recordings sent by their fans.

Still from The Uppertones & Friends video

The Uppertones & Friends – musical support for medics

During the pandemic, the artists are not bored at all. They write new songs, broadcast their shows in limited line-ups on social media, or, like Mr. T-Bone, support the needy with their music.

“Ska Delight” documentary finally available online

Although this movie’s premiere took place almost six years ago, many of you probably didn’t have a chance to actually see it. Tomorrow it’s going to change and Ska Delight will hit the internet.

Dr. Ring Ding & Bongoroll – Stay At Home (Covid-19)

The coronavirus pandemic has affected the music industry in many ways. Canceled gigs, postponed festivals, reduced record and merchandise sales. Isolation forced artists to create creative solutions – now they play for their fans online and write songs about the virus. One of them was recorded by Dr. Ring Ding

Italian Covid Ghost Town 2020

Ghost Town in Italian? I honestly didn’t see that coming while browsing through musical novelties on YouTube yesterday night. Statuto crew couldn’t even suspect how up to date their cover will be on its release day, when they were recording the song in fall.