Categories Events Festivals

Gdańsk Ska Jamboree Vol. 7: Join the autumn ska party by the Baltic Sea!

Hey Rudies, mark your calendars! The upcoming Polish autumn ska festival is scheduled for October 4th, and the lineup looks solid. With The Valkyrians, Sonic Boom Six, and Johnny Reggae Rub Foundation, along with some standout local performers, including Podwórkowi Chuligani and Ziggie Piggie, this event will be a highlight of the season!

Categories Culture Movies

Short Movie About Skanking

A week ago, nine years after shooting, “Short Movie About Skanking” had its premiere. What piece of work is that? – you might ask. Collaboration of Polish pioneer of punk rock and reggae, Robert Brylewski and cinema first of all brings to mind “Polskie gówno” (“Polish shit”) from 2014. Meanwhile, around 2010, Robert left his mark on musical and, as it turns out, also cinematic climate of Sosnowiec, city known for its dynamic ska and reggae scene.

10 songs for 100 years of Polish Independence

Last Sunday in Poland we celebrated the 100th anniversary of regaining our country’s independence. That’s the perfect occasion to launch upon the high, international seas and to showcase our website to the rest of the world.

Categories Events Reports

Ziggie Piggie at Róbrege Festival

At the end of September we were at Róbrege Festival in Warsaw and we managed to catch some very special moments. ZiggiePiggie and recently deceased Robert Brylewski in never published, farewell song.